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All News
- New Study: How Experiencing Harassment in Science Affects Public PerceptionThe harassment of scientists, particularly on social media, is a growing issue. But what impact does it have when the public witnesses such harassment? A… Read more: New Study: How Experiencing Harassment in Science Affects Public Perception
- MSCL Colloquium: Davina Höll & Leonie N. BossertIn their talk, Leonie N. Bossert and Davina Höll explored the links between human-induced anthropogenic changes to the planet and their consequences, with a focus… Read more: MSCL Colloquium: Davina Höll & Leonie N. Bossert
- MSCL Colloquium: Dr Mascha GugganigOpening up Indoor Vertical Farming – How (not) to Communicate a Novel Food Production System We would like to invite you to our colloquium, “Opening up Indoor… Read more: MSCL Colloquium: Dr Mascha Gugganig
- Venice International University Spring School 2024Equipping Researchers with Skills, Strategies, and Confidence for Science Communication The Spring School will take place from March 18 to March 22, 2024, and the… Read more: Venice International University Spring School 2024
- Evaluation in Science CommunicationThe Munich Science Communication Lab (MSCL) and the Impact Unit invite you to the joint conference “Evaluation in Science Communication” at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich.… Read more: Evaluation in Science Communication
- MSCL Colloquium: Dr. Helen FischerObjective and Subjective Knowledge: “Feeling the truth” and its Importance for Science Communication We would like to invite you to our colloquium, “Objective and Subjective Knowledge: “Feeling… Read more: MSCL Colloquium: Dr. Helen Fischer
- MSCL Colloquium: Gregg MitmanEbola in a Stew of Fear We would like to invite you to our colloquium, “Ebola in a Stew of Fear” on November 7, 2023, at 1 p.m. (GMT+1). This… Read more: MSCL Colloquium: Gregg Mitman
- Science Popularization in a Polarized SocietyScience Popularization in a Polarized Society: How Scientists in the Field of Climate Change Communicate Science and Deal with Potential Negative Feedback Dr Josephine Schmitt… Read more: Science Popularization in a Polarized Society
- Provocations to Environmental History and History of Technology: The AnthropoceneHelmuth Trischler and Fabienne Will, 2023.Giacomo Bonan und Katia Occhi (HRSG.): Environment and Infrastructure. Challenges, knowledge and Innovation from the Early Modern Period, 13-32 Full… Read more: Provocations to Environmental History and History of Technology: The Anthropocene
- Evaluationsbericht zur Klimasimulation En-RoadsClara Kühner, Fabienne Will, Bernhard Goodwin, 2023Science Communication Lab, Deutsches Museum. München: LMU, Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung Abstract: The following report presents the evaluation… Read more: Evaluationsbericht zur Klimasimulation En-Roads
- Evaluation Report on the Event “Social Tipping Interventions and Science CommunicationClara Kühner, Bernhard Goodwin, 2023Munich: Munich Science Communication Lab Abstract: This report presents the evaluation results of a two-hour science communication event titled “Social Tipping… Read more: Evaluation Report on the Event “Social Tipping Interventions and Science Communication
- How Politicians’ Attacks on Science Communication Influence Public Perceptions of Journalists and ScientistsJana Laura EgelhoferVol 11, No 1 (2023): Science Communication in the Digital Age: New Actors, Environments, and Practices Abstract: In today’s “post-truth” world, concerns over political… Read more: How Politicians’ Attacks on Science Communication Influence Public Perceptions of Journalists and Scientists
- Wissen kommunizieren. Ethische Anforderungen an die Kommunikation zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft.Claudia Paganini, Marlis Prinzing, Julia Serong. Nomos, 2023, 231 Seiten, broschiertISBN 978-3-8487-8846-0 Abstract: Communicating knowledge places ethical demands on communication between science and society. Communicating… Read more: Wissen kommunizieren. Ethische Anforderungen an die Kommunikation zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft.
- Outcomes from the First European Planetary Health Hub Convening at ARTIS in AmsterdamKort, Remco, Jeremy Pivor, Josep M. Antó, Annemarie Bergsma, Peter J. Blankestijn, Olette Bollen, Egid van Bree, Joyce L. Browne, Judith de Bruin, Jasper Buikx,… Read more: Outcomes from the First European Planetary Health Hub Convening at ARTIS in Amsterdam
- Short but Critical?: How “Fake News” and “Anti-Elitist” Media Attacks Undermine Perceived Message Credibility on Social MediaLinda Bos, Jana Laura Egelhofer, and Sophie LechelerCommunication Research 2023 50:6, 695-719 Abstract: Citizens increasingly turn to social media for information, where they often rely on cues to judge the… Read more: Short but Critical?: How “Fake News” and “Anti-Elitist” Media Attacks Undermine Perceived Message Credibility on Social Media
- Planetarische Gesundheit: Die COVID-19-Pandemie als Technikwende und als kommunikative Herausforderung für die MuseenHelmuth Trischler, 2022. In: Farrenkopf, M. and Göschl, R. ed. Gras drüber … Bergbau und Umwelt im deutsch-deutschen Vergleich: Begleitband zur Sonderausstellung des Deutschen Bergbau-Museums Bochum… Read more: Planetarische Gesundheit: Die COVID-19-Pandemie als Technikwende und als kommunikative Herausforderung für die Museen
- Evidenzbasierung und Qualitätssicherung in der Gesundheitskommunikation.Constanze Rossmann, 2022.In Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (Hrsg.), Evidenzbasierung in Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung (Reihe Gesundheitsförderung Konkret, Bd. 25 (pp. 8-22). Full text: PDF (free download)
- Zur Wissenschaftskommunikation verpflichtet? Impulse füreine reflexive Ethik der WissenschaftskommunikationJulia Serong, 2022In C. Paganini, M. Prinzing & J. Serong (Hrsg.), Wissen kommunizieren. Ethische Anforderungen an die Kommunikation zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Reihe Kommunikations- und Medienethik (Band… Read more: Zur Wissenschaftskommunikation verpflichtet? Impulse füreine reflexive Ethik der Wissenschaftskommunikation
- Mehr als nur Wissensvermittlung: Gesundheitskommunikation in digitalen ÖffentlichkeitenJulia Serong, 2021. In: Klapper, Bernadette and Cichon, Irina (eds.) : Neustart! Für die Zukunft unseres Gesundheitswesens. Berlin: MWV Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG. pp. 575-580
- MSCL Colloquium: Prof. Annika Guse & Dr Stephanie GuseWe would like to invite you to our colloquium, “Fostering Synergy: Combining Science and Art to Communicate with the Public – Lessons from the Project ¡vamos, simbiosis!” on November… Read more: MSCL Colloquium: Prof. Annika Guse & Dr Stephanie Guse
- MSCL Colloquium: Dr Jan LüdertWe would like to invite you to our colloquium, “Practicing Transatlantic Science and Knowledge Diplomacy: The German Center for Research and Innovation New York” on October 10th at 13:00 (CET).… Read more: MSCL Colloquium: Dr Jan Lüdert
- MSCL Colloquium: Michaela Coenen & Brigitte StrahwaldWe would like to invite you to our colloquium, “Simulation Games on Climate Health as a Teaching Format: Results and Challenges,” on September 26th at 13:00 (German time). Dr.… Read more: MSCL Colloquium: Michaela Coenen & Brigitte Strahwald
- 18.07.2023 MSCL Colloquium – Prof. Dr. Lena FrischlichWe would like to invite you to our second July colloquium “Science in the Firestorm of Social Media: Research between Reach, Participation and Hate” on July 18th at 13:00 (German time).… Read more: 18.07.2023 MSCL Colloquium – Prof. Dr. Lena Frischlich
- 21.07.2023 „Dear Future Children“ Open Air Film Screening and DiscussionAnother shout-out to all the film lovers out there: you are invited to a free open-air screening of the award-winning documentary “Dear Future Children” on… Read more: 21.07.2023 „Dear Future Children“ Open Air Film Screening and Discussion
- Surveys on Science CommunicationThe MSCL regularly conducts exciting studies on science communication. For meaningful results, we rely on a large number of people who are willing to participate… Read more: Surveys on Science Communication
- 11.07.23 MSCL Colloquium – Paula Schwenke, MPHWe would like to invite you to our July colloquium “Designing a free online course on planetary health as a science communication method” on July 11th at 13:00 (German time). Paula… Read more: 11.07.23 MSCL Colloquium – Paula Schwenke, MPH
- 14.06.2023 “Son of Monarchs” Film Screening and DiscussionFilm lovers and science enthusiasts: you are invited to attend a free screening of the prize-winning film “Son of Monarchs” by filmmaker Alexis Gambis on… Read more: 14.06.2023 “Son of Monarchs” Film Screening and Discussion
- Program “Authentic Voices in Science Communication.”Post-Conference at the 73rd Annual Conference of the ICAMay 30, 2023 Full Schedule: Schedule PostCon ICA 2023
- 16.05.23 MSCL Colloquium – Prof. Imke HoppeWe would like to invite you to our colloquium “Constructive climate communication from the audience perspective: promises, challenges and pitfalls” on May 16th at 13:00 (German time). Prof. Dr. Imke… Read more: 16.05.23 MSCL Colloquium – Prof. Imke Hoppe
- 24.04.2023 – Discussion: ChatGPT and Science CommunicationOn April 24th, from 14:00 to 15:30, the four centers funded by the VolkswagenStiftung Science Communication Cubed are came together to examine the role of… Read more: 24.04.2023 – Discussion: ChatGPT and Science Communication
- 28.03.23 MSCL Colloquium – Dr. Fabienne WillIf you missed this colloquium – The Anthropocene: a Challenge for Sciences, Humanities and the Public – you can still watch the presentation here: Dr.… Read more: 28.03.23 MSCL Colloquium – Dr. Fabienne Will
- 07.02.23 MSCL Colloquium – Prof. Dr. Michael HasWe would like to invite you to our February colloquium Responsibility in Times of Resource Scarcity on Feb. 7th at 13:00 (German time). Prof. Dr. Michael… Read more: 07.02.23 MSCL Colloquium – Prof. Dr. Michael Has
- Experiment: The Earth Under the MicroscopeOne of the six experiments supported by the MSCL launched its exhibition this month in the Deutsches Museum in Munich. This project was selected from… Read more: Experiment: The Earth Under the Microscope
- Call for PapersIn a time of multiple crises (e.g., Covid pandemic, climate crisis, geopolitical crises such as the war in Ukraine), scientists and engineers are expected to… Read more: Call for Papers
- 17.01.2023 MSCL Colloquium – Dr. Amelia Fiske and Jonas Fischer We would like to invite you to our first virtual colloquium of 2023 on Jan. 17th at 13:00 (German time). Dr. Amelia Fiske and Jonas… Read more: 17.01.2023 MSCL Colloquium – Dr. Amelia Fiske and Jonas Fischer
- 13.12.2022 MSCL Colloquium – Dr. Korbinian RügerWe would like to invite you to our next virtual colloquium on December 13th at 13:00 (German time). Dr. Korbinian Rüger will examine the topic… Read more: 13.12.2022 MSCL Colloquium – Dr. Korbinian Rüger
- MSCL Colloquium – Dr. Lukas RudolphWe would like to invite you to our next colloquium on November 29th at 13:00 (German time). Dr. Lukas Rudolph will debate the question “When… Read more: MSCL Colloquium – Dr. Lukas Rudolph
- MSCL Colloquium – Clara Kühner, M. Sc.We would like to invite you to our next virtual MSCL Colloquium on October 18th at 13:00. Ms. Kühner will tackle the question Why don’t we act… Read more: MSCL Colloquium – Clara Kühner, M. Sc.
- MSCL Colloquium – Dr. Jeanne Rubner Our next MSCL Colloquium is already on September 13th at 12:00. We will welcome Dr. Jeanne Rubner to lead the discussion on „TUM und andere… Read more: MSCL Colloquium – Dr. Jeanne Rubner
- MSCL Colloquium – Maike VossWe would like to invite you to our next MSCL Colloquium on September 6th at 14:00. Maike Voss (MPH) will be discussing the challenges and… Read more: MSCL Colloquium – Maike Voss
- Interview with Dr. Eva Winzer – MSCL ImpressionsEva Winzer is a post-doctoral researcher in Public Health Nutrition at the Medical University of Vienna, at the Centre for Public Health. She has a… Read more: Interview with Dr. Eva Winzer – MSCL Impressions
- MSCL Colloquium – Prof. Dr. Julia PongratzWe would like to invite you to our next MSCL Colloquium on July 26th 12:00. Prof. Dr. Julia Pongratz will speak about the Challenges in the… Read more: MSCL Colloquium – Prof. Dr. Julia Pongratz
- MSCL Colloquium – Prof. Dr. Dominique BrossardWe would like to invite you to our next MSCL Colloquium on July 12th at 16:00. Prof. Dr. Dominique Brossard will lead a discussion on her paper “Science… Read more: MSCL Colloquium – Prof. Dr. Dominique Brossard
- MSCL Colloquium – Dr. KavooriWe would like to invite you to our next MSCL Colloquium on June 28th from 11:00 to 12:00. Dr. Anandam Kavoori will speak on his… Read more: MSCL Colloquium – Dr. Kavoori
- MSCL Colloquium – Dr. Thassilo FrankeThis June, we are kicking off our Tuesday’s MSCL Colloquiums series – an open place for discussion and academic reflection on science communication and planetary… Read more: MSCL Colloquium – Dr. Thassilo Franke
- FAQ – Call for ParticipationAre you a researcher working on planetary health or engaging in science communication? Do you have something to say about food or food systems and… Read more: FAQ – Call for Participation
- Call for ParticipationWe are pleased to announce our first call for participation in a co-creation process on the topic of Planetary Health communication. On March 28th at… Read more: Call for Participation
- Interview„Ein sehr drängendes Thema“ At the newly founded Munich Science Communication Lab, scientists and practitioners want to investigate science communication in the field of “Planetary… Read more: Interview
- MSCL Presentation VideoAn introductory video on the MSCL’s topic area, goals, planned processes, and participants. Science communication is currently facing the challenge of explaining the complex links… Read more: MSCL Presentation Video
- 2021 MSCL Symposium – Communicating Planetary HealthThe 2021 MSCL Symposium happened virtually on July 29th, 2021. Planetary Health as a Wicked Problem for Science Communication Session 1 with keynotes and discussion… Read more: 2021 MSCL Symposium – Communicating Planetary Health
- Communicating Planetary Health WorkshopVirtual Workshop on February 25 2021 with the goal to be a first milestone for the Lab. Planetary health is an incredibly important, large and… Read more: Communicating Planetary Health Workshop