Events News

MSCL Colloquium: Dr. Mascha Gugganig

We would like to invite you to our colloquium, “Opening up Indoor Vertical Farming – How (not) to Communicate a Novel Food Production System,” on March 26th at 13:00 (German time).

Dr. Gugganig will discuss how proponents of indoor vertical farming like to herald it as a precise and efficient (urban) food production system that keeps out various nuances, be it pesticides, pathogens, or even humans, as carriers of germs, or imperfect workers that cannot compete with automated systems. This raises the question of what human-plant relations emerge as a result and how to communicate a novel food production system in public spheres when its setup is inherently closed off. Based on findings of a public engagement project, this talk will juxtapose the prominent depiction of vertical farming as a ‘black-boxed’ silver bullet solution for various food and agri-environmental crises with opening up vertical farming as a wider platform for deliberations over the transformation of the contemporary agrifood system.

Dr. Gugganig received her Ph.D. in Cultural and Social Anthropology from the University of British Columbia in 2016. She was a Fellow at the Program on Science, Technology & Society at Harvard University and at the Department for Science, Technology & Society at Cornell University, and a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Ottawa. Since Spring 2023, she has been a Lecturer (akademische Rätin) at the Chair of Life Sciences in Society and an Affiliated Researcher at the Rachel Carson Center, both at the University of Munich (LMU), and she continues to be a Research Associate at the Department of STS at TU Munich.

Find the paper at Vanguard Visions of Vertical Farming: Envisaging and Contesting an Emerging Food Production System (Science, Technology, & Human Values) and a recording of the talk below.

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More information on each colloquium will be sent to our mailing list as the dates approach. Here you can subscribe to our email list: .

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or ideas about possible topics and speakers.


Venice International University Spring School

Equipping Researchers with Skills, Strategies and Confidence for Science Communication

The Spring School will take place from March 18th to March 22nd, 2024 and the program is now available. We are proud to share that three members of the Munich Science Communication Lab (MSCL) are part of the faculty: Lars Guenther, Ludwig-Maximillians-Universität (LMU), Munich Science Communication Lab; Julia Serong, Ludwig-Maximillians-Universität (LMU), Munich Science Communication Lab; and Monica Déchène, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU), Munich Science Communication Lab.

This program aims to provide researchers and graduate students from various disciplines – including Natural and Social Sciences, Engineering, and Humanities – with the necessary skills and confidence to effectively communicate their research to public and policy audiences.

The Spring School is designed for researchers and graduate students who wish to enhance their ability to communicate their research to wider audiences.

For more information, please visit: Equipping Researchers with Skills, Strategies and Confidence for Science Communication – Venice International University (

Events News

Evaluation in der Wissenschaftskommunikation

6. and 7. March 2024

The Munich Science Communication Lab (MSCL) and the Impact Unit invite you to the joint conference “Evaluation in Science Communication” at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. The conference will present and discuss current developments, challenges, and future perspectives of evaluations in science communication and will bring together insights from practice and research.

Current discussions show again and again how important a comprehensible, credible, and effective science communication is. Therefore, it is key to reflect on whether projects of science communication are really making a difference, to ask questions about quality, and to discuss what constitutes good science communication. Evaluations are means to check the effectiveness of a science communication project. However, they can also help to better understand the mechanisms of a project and identify areas for improvement.

This conference will provide a space for 1) reflection on current challenges in evaluating science communication, 2) the presentation of learnings and recommendations for the evaluation of science communication from practical and scientific perspectives, 3) the discussion of future developments in science communication evaluation, and 4) exchange and networking among science communication practitioners and researchers in order to foster collaborations and mutual support opportunities.

The conference is aimed in particular at…

  • Science communication practitioners (e.g. representatives from communication departments of universities and research institutions, schools, museums/science centers);
  • Researchers of all disciplines involved in science communication;
  • Scientists with a focus on science communication;
  • Science communication trainers

This is an in-person event held in German – however, you can always ask questions and make comments in English if you feel more comfortable.

Venue of the conference:
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Institute for Communication Science and Media Research
Oettingenstr. 67
80538 Munich

Room: B001 + Foyer

How to find us: Tram 16, stop: Tivolistraße / Bus 154 Tivolistr. or bus 54/154, 58, 68 Hirschauer Str.

The conference rooms are located between the A and C wings of the building. The easiest way to reach us from the street is to use the entrance directly by the foyer. If you enter the building at the gate, you have to go down the corridor to the right until you reach the C wing of the building.

Speakers’ Spotlight

Dr. Bernhard Goodwin
Bernhard Goodwin studierte Kommunikationswissenschaft, Informatik und Recht. Anschließend hat er mit einer Arbeit über Wissenschaftskommunikation an der TU München promoviert – am Lehrstuhl für Wald- und Umweltpolitik. Seit 2010 ist er Geschäftsführer des Instituts für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung und seit 2021 Executive Director des Munich Science Communication Lab. Weitere Information:

Dr. Cora Schaffert-Ziegenbalg
Cora Schaffert-Ziegenbalg ist Co-Leiterin der Förderinitiative “Wissenschaftskommunikation Hoch Drei” der VolkswagenStiftung. Sie ist Programmdirektorin bei der VolkswagenStiftung, Deutschlands größter privater und unabhängiger Wissenschaftsförderorganisation. Dr. Schaffert-Ziegenbalg ist ausgebildete Politikwissenschaftlerin und hat über Agendasetting Prozesse der Europäischen Kommission geforscht. In der Stiftung ist sie neben dem Fachbereich der Politikwissenschaft auch für die Wissenschaftskommunikation und transdisziplinäre Forschung zuständig.

Dr. Friederike Hendriks
Friederike Hendriks promovierte im Jahr 2016 an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster als Teil des interdisziplinären DFG-Graduiertenkollegs “Vertrauen und Kommunikation in einer digitalisierten Welt”. Sie verbrachte ihr Postdoc-Zeit an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster und am Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwisschenschaften und Mathematik (IPN) in Kiel. Seit Juli 2021 leitet Friederike Hendriks die Nachwuchsforschungsgruppe „Communicating Scientists: Challenges, Competencies, Contexts (fourC)“ an der Technischen Universität Braunschweig. Ihre Forschungsinteressen umfassen Vertrauen in Wissenschaft, informelles und außerschulisches Lernen über Wissenschaft, sowie Einstellungen und Befähigung von Forschenden zur Wissenschaftskommunikation.

Prof. Dipl.-Chem. Holger Wormer
Holger Wormer, ist Professor für Wissenschaftsjournalismus am Institut für Journalistik der Technischen Universität Dortmund und einer der Gründer des Rhine Ruhr Center for Science Communication Research (RRC). Ferner hat er u.a. als Co-Sprecher an gleich drei Stellungnahmen der Deutschen Wisenschaftsakademien zur Wissenschaftskommunikation mitgewirkt. Aktuelle Geschehnisse aus dem Feld analysiert er regelmäßig in der Kolumne “Besser Wissen” des Berliner Tagesspiegels

Imke Hedder
Imke Hedder ist Projektmanagerin in der Impact Unit von Wissenschaft im Dialog. Sie evaluierte das Wissenschaftsvarieté Glitzern & Denken, den IdeenLauf im Wissenschaftsjahr 2022 – Nachgefragt! und untersucht aktuell das Ausstellungsprojekt Wissenschaftskommunikation Energiewende. Vor ihrer Zeit bei WiD studierte sie Medienmanagement und Strategische Kommunikation.

Dr. Julia Serong
Julia Serong ist Research Director und Mitglied des Executive Boards des Munich Science Communication Lab. Außerdem ist sie wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung. Bis 2021 war sie Koordinatorin der Ad-hoc-Arbeitsgruppe “Faktizität der Welt” an der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sie promovierte an der FU Berlin zum Thema “Medienqualität und Publikum”. Julia Serong studierte Kommunikationswissenschaft, Wirtschaftspolitik und Anglistik an der WWU Münster.

Dr. Lorenz Kampschulte
Lorenz Kampschulte ist Leiter der Abteilung Bildung am Deutschen Museum in München. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Evaluation und Besucherforschung, der Einsatz (mobiler) digitaler Medien in formellen und informellen Lernsituationen sowie die Vermittlung eines authentischen Wissenschaftsbildes an unterschiedliche Zielgruppen. Er promovierte auf dem Gebiet der Nanowissenschaften an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.

Markus Gabriel
Markus Gabirel ist Partner bei com.X Institut für Kommunikations-Analyse & Evaluation. Seine Expertise liegt in der Konzeption, Leitung und Auswertung von multiperspektivischen Evaluations- und Forschungsprojekten mit einem quantitativ-qualitativen Methodenmix (Mixed-Methods-Designs) zu Themen aus den Bereichen Bildung, Gesundheit, Wissenschaftskommunikation, Bürgerbeteiligung und Gleichstellung. Er hat Medienwissenschaft und Kommunikationspsychologie und Spanisch studiert.

Prof. Dr. Mike S. Schäfer
Mike S. Schäfer ist seit 2013 Professor für Wissenschaftskommunikation und Direktor am IKMZ der Universität Zürich. Er ist u.a. gewähltes Mitglied von acatech – Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften und war Thinker in Residence zum Thema “Sprache und Klima” an der KVAB – Königlich Flämischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste Belgiens. Zu seinen Forschungsinteressen gehören Wissenschaftskommunikation, Umwelt- und Klimakommunikation sowie die öffentliche Wahrnehmung von Wissenschaft und Technologie.

Dr. Philipp Schrögel
Philipp Schrögel ist Forschungskoordinator und Wissenschaftskommunikator am Käte Hamburger Zentrum für Apokalyptische und Postapokalyptische Studien der Universität Heidelberg. Dort forscht und arbeitet er praktisch vor allem mit kreativen und partizipativen Formen der Wissenschaftskommunikation. Er wurde vom Physiker zum Wissenschaftskommunikationsforscher mit Abschlüssen der Universitäten Erlangen-Nürnberg und Harvard. Er forschte am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie zu Wissenschaftskommunikation und arbeitete als Berater und Moderator für Bürgerbeteiligung.

Ricarda Ziegler
Ricarda Ziegler leitet seit März 2023 den Evaluationsbereich am NaWik. Zuvor war die studierte Politikwissenschaftlerin bei Wissenschaft im Dialog in Berlin tätig. Sie verantwortete dort u.a. das bevölkerungsrepräsentative Wissenschaftssurvey Wissenschaftsbarometer und baute die Impact Unit für Wirkung und Evaluation in der Wissenschaftskommunikation auf.

Dr. Selahattin Danisman
Selahattin Danisman ist Co-Leiter der Förderinitiative “Wissenschaftskommunikation Hoch Drei” der VolkswagenStiftung. Er ist Programmdirektor bei der VolkswagenStiftung, Deutschlands größter privater und unabhängiger Wissenschaftsförderorganisation. Dr. Danisman ist ausgebildeter Molekularbiologe und hat zur Entwicklungsbiologie, Transkriptionsfaktoren und die Innere Uhr von Pflanzen geforscht.

Dr. Sophia Charlotte Volk
Sophia Charlotte Volk ist Oberassistentin in der Abteilung Wissenschaftskommunikation am Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung der Universität Zürich, Mitglied der Editorial Boards des International Journal of Strategic Communication und Corporate Communications: an International Journal sowie Fachgruppensprecherin PR/Organisationskommunikation in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK). Zu ihren Forschungsschwerpunkten gehören strategische Wissenschaftskommunikation in digitalen Medienumgebungen, Evaluation und Impact Messung, international vergleichende Forschung und Team Science.

Prof. Dr. Tom Duscher
Tom Duscher ist Kommunikationsdesigner und seit 2003 Professor für interaktive Medien an der Muthesius Kunsthochschule in Kiel. Informationsdesign und die Visualisierung wissenschaftlicher Themen sind seine Forschungsschwerpunkte, in denen er neue Formate und Visualisierungsstrategien untersucht und zusammen mit den Studierenden im Masterschwerpunkt „Interaktives Informationsdesign” weiterentwickelt. Im Jahr 2015 gründete er das Designstudio „Science Communication Lab” (, das sich auf die Entwicklung innovativer visueller Kommunikation für die Wissenschaften spezialisiert hat. Seit 2021 ist er Principal Investigator im Zentrum für Wissenschaftskommunikation Kiel Science Communication Network (KielSCN). Er erforscht transdisziplinär visuelle Formate der Wissenschaftskommunikation sowie deren Entwicklungs- und Wirkungsprozesse (Experience Design). Das KSCN ist ein Konsortium aus der Muthesius Kunsthochschule, dem Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik (IPN), der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel sowie den Praxispartnern Spektrum der Wissenschaft, und NDR. Es wird durch das Wissenschaftsprogramm „Wissenschaftskommunikation hoch drei“ der Volkswagenstiftung gefördert und ist eines von bundesweit vier geförderten Zentren.

Vanessa van den Bogaert
Vanessa van den Bogaert ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Lehr-Lernforschung an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Mit einem Hintergrund in Erziehungswissenschaften, Mathematik und Biologie liegen ihre Interessen in den Bereichen Interessenentwicklung, Wissenschaft der Wissenschaftskommunikation und Wissenschaft der Bürgerwissenschaft.



Events News

MSCL Colloquium: Dr. Helen Fischer

We would like to invite you to our colloquium, “Objective and Subjective Knowledge: “Feeling the truth” and its Importance for Science Communication,” on February 20th at 13:00 (German time).

In this talk, Dr. Helen Fischer will discuss the relevance of objective and subjective knowledge (“Feeling the truth”) for attitudes towards controversial and politicized science such as climate change or COVID-19. She will also show how objective and subjective knowledge shape behavior and why science communicators should be aware of “truthiness,” the phenomenon that some statements ring true irrespective of evidence.

Dr. Fischer currently holds the visiting professorship “Science and Society” at KIT and has been researching at the Leibniz Institute for Knowledge Media in Tübingen since April 2022. She investigates the role of metacognition, our insight into the reliability and limits of our own knowledge for beliefs about politicized science such as climate change or COVID-19. Her research sheds light on the role of metacognition in recognizing one’s own thinking errors such as motivated information processing and information sharing in social networks.

Dr. Fischer completed her doctorate in cognitive psychology at Heidelberg University in 2016. After postdoctoral positions at the University of Heidelberg on public perception of climate change, she was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship from the German Research Foundation (DFG) in 2019. She worked at the Stockholm Resilience Center, Stockholm, Sweden, from 2019-2020 and was a visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, from 2020-2022. Since 2022, she has been conducting research at the Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien, Tübingen, and most recently completed a research stay at the University of Waikato, New Zealand, where she is researching the longitudinal relationship between social media use and beliefs about climate change in a project funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation.

This is an online event carried out in English. However, questions in German are also welcomed. We look forward to your participation in our lively after-talk discussion! Please register here in advance:

More information on each colloquium will be sent to our mailing list as the dates approach. Here you can subscribe to our email list: .

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or ideas about possible topics and speakers.

Events News

MSCL Colloquium: Gregg Mitman

We would like to invite you to our colloquium, “Ebola in a Stew of Fear” on November 7th at 13:00 (CET).

This talk explores a range of moral tales put forth to account for the origin and spread of the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Conservation biologists seized upon Ebola’s emergence and the associated fear to stigmatize bushmeat hunting in the name of biodiversity protection. Political ecologists employed the disease onslaught to critique the environmental and social impacts of industrial plantation agriculture sweeping across West Africa. Liberians claimed sovereignty over the virus, attempting to overturn parasitic relations of exchange that have long plagued the country. The assorted Ebola outbreak narratives reveal contested histories, politics, meanings, beliefs, fears, values, and rights that have shaped—and will shape—access to the natural resources of the Upper Guinean Forests of West Africa in a world increasingly threatened by deforestation, zoonotic disease, biodiversity loss, and climate change.

Gregg Mitman is the Vilas Research and William Coleman Professor of History, Medical History, and Environmental Studies at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and Guest Research Professor at LMU’s Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society in Munich. He is currently researching fragments of the Upper Guinean rainforest in Liberia and Guinea. These forest fragments have become “hotspots” where conservation, infectious diseases, and resource extraction collide. The research aims to understand the ecological, economic, political, and social factors behind this convergence.

For the past years Mitman has focused on a multimedia project exploring the history and legacy of the Firestone Plantations Company in Liberia. He coproduced and codirected with Sarita Siegel two films, In the Shadow of Ebola, an intimate portrait of the Ebola outbreak in Liberia, and The Land Beneath Our Feet, a documentary on history, memory, and land rights in Liberia. His most recent book, Empire of Rubber: Firestone’s Scramble for Land and Power in Liberia, was published by The New Press in November 2021.

Dr. Mitman has a Ph.D. and an M.A. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Department of History of Science. And a B.Sc. in Biology from Dalhousie University. More information on him and his work: About Gregg Mitman.

More information on each colloquium will be sent to our mailing list as the dates approach. Here you can subscribe to our email list: .

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or ideas about possible topics and speakers.

If you missed the event, you can still watch the presentation here:

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Events News

MSCL Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Annika Guse & Dr. Stephanie Guse

We would like to invite you to our colloquium, “Fostering Synergy: Combining Science and Art to Communicate with the Public – Lessons from the Project ¡vamos, simbiosis!” on November 21st at 13:00 (CET).

The interdisciplinary project ¡vamos, simbiosis! uses science-inspired artworks to emotionally connect with people and encourage action in preserving the Mediterranean Sea, which is used as an example to communicate the importance of healthy ecosystems for combating climate change and maintaining well-being and economic stability. This project emerged from a partnership between molecular biology and arts and aims to bridge the gap between science and society. Recognizing the severe threats to the environment, particularly the oceans, caused by human impact, the project seeks to understand the symbiotic connection between humans and the sea in the past and present. Prof. Dr. Annika Guse and Dr. Stephanie Guse will speak about the project itself, its outcomes, and innovative approaches to communicating with the public.

Prof. Dr. Annika Guse is a Professor at the Biology Department at Ludwigs-Maximilans-Universität München. She has a PhD in Molecular Biology from the University of Vienna, and in her research she aims to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying coral symbiosis as the basis for adaptation to environmental in the past, present and future.

Dr. Stephanie Guse is an interdisciplinary artist addressing societal issues. She studied fine art and communication design at the Braunschweig University of Fine Arts and at the Städelschule Frankfurt am Main. In 2015 she completed a Ph.D. in Philosophy of Art on Thinking Hands, a collaborative drawing method she designed, at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna.

More information on each colloquium will be sent to our mailing list as the dates approach. Here you can subscribe to our email list: .

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or ideas about possible topics and speakers.

If you missed the event, you can still watch the presentation here:

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Events News

10.10.2023 MSCL Colloquium – Dr. Jan Lüdert

We would like to invite you to our colloquium, “Practicing Transatlantic Science and Knowledge Diplomacy: The German Center for Research and Innovation New York” on October 10th at 13:00 (CET).

The German Center for Research and Innovation (DWIH) New York, as part of a global network of research and innovation centers, was established with the goal of strengthening Germany’s reputation as a land of research, science, and innovation and by providing a platform for leaders in science, technology, and the humanities to deepen transatlantic exchange and collaboration. The DWIH New York thereby offers a unique opportunity to assess practices of science and knowledge diplomacy generally and those that have been established in a transatlantic context more specifically.

Dr. Lüdert will give us a practitioner´s perspective on the evolving field of science and knowledge diplomacy. The talk will a) offer a brief outline of the historical and political context of establishing a global network of German Centers for Research and Innovation (DWIH); b) discuss normative and practical importance as instances of both science and knowledge diplomacy for establishing academic freedom and exchange between researchers, policymakers, and industry; c) illustrate the day-to-day praxis of the DWIH New York through highlighting the work of the center.

Finally, he will invite a discussion on the importance of fostering science and knowledge diplomacy, considering contestations to the liberal order, academic freedom, and science skepticism, amongst others.

Dr. Jan Lüdert is Head of Programs at the German Center for Research and Innovation in New York City. He earned a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of British Columbia (UBC), holds a Harvard Kennedy School Public Leadership Credential, a First-Class Honors MA in International Relations from the Australian National University, and a BA in Public Policy from Hamburg University for Economics and Politics.

He previously served as an Associate Professor at the City University of Seattle, where he was the inaugural Director of Curriculum and Instruction. Dr. Lüdert held positions as Visiting Research Scholar at the Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies at City University of New York’s Graduate Center as well as a Research Associate with the DFG ‘Dynamics of Security’ project at Philipps Marburg University. He is an alumnus of Seattle’s World Affairs Council Fellows and UBC Liu Institute for Global Issues Scholar programs.

More information on each colloquium will be sent to our mailing list as the dates approach. Here you can subscribe to our email list: .

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or ideas about possible topics and speakers.

If you missed the event, you can still watch the presentation here:

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Learn more in YouTube’s privacy policy.

Events News

26.09.2023 MSCL Colloquium – Dr. Michaela Coenen and Brigitte Strahwald, MSc.

We would like to invite you to our colloquium, “Simulation Games on Climate Health as a Teaching Format: Results and Challenges,” on September 26th at 13:00 (German time).

Dr. Michaela Coenen and Brigitte Strahwald, MSc. will report on a simulation game on climate health they developed as a new teaching format. In addition, the results of a cross-sectional study on the knowledge of and interest in Planetary Health in health-related study programs in Germany will be presented.

Dr. Coenen is the Head of the Research Unit for Health Promotion and Prevention and the Course Coordinator of the MSc Public Health at LMU. She has a diploma in psychology and a master’s degree in public health from LMU; and received her Ph.D. in 2005 from the Institute for Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, also from LMU Munich.

Ms. Strahwald is responsible for the coordination of the Pettenkofer School of Public Health. She studied medicine at Université de Rennes 1 and at FAU Erlangen, received a master’s degree in Medicine Ethics and Law from The Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, and a master’s in epidemiology from LMU.

More information on each colloquium will be sent to our mailing list as the dates approach. Here you can subscribe to our email list: .

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or ideas about possible topics and speakers.

If you missed the event, you can still watch the presentation here:

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Learn more in YouTube’s privacy policy.

Events News

18.07.2023 MSCL Colloquium – Prof. Dr. Lena Frischlich

We would like to invite you to our second July colloquium “Science in the Firestorm of Social Media: Research between Reach, Participation and Hate” on July 18th at 13:00 (German time).

Prof. Dr. Lena Frischlich will give a science communication-oriented insight into the use, chances, and risks of science communication and reception in social media. In particular, she will examine the dynamics and consequences of hate speech and so-called fire storms.

Prof. Dr. Frischlich is a communication scientist and media psychologist. She studied psychology at the University of Cologne and earned her doctorate there. In 2016, she moved to Münster and into communication science, where she led an interdisciplinary junior research group on democratic resilience. Since April this year, she has held a professorship in Empirical Communication Studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich. She investigates how digitalization, on the one hand, creates new opportunity structures for the staging of online propaganda and related phenomena such as disinformation or hate speech and, on the other hand, opens up new possibilities for the support and “empowerment” of media users and the promotion of democratic resilience, “resilience.”

This is an online event carried out in English. However, questions in German are also welcomed.

More information on each colloquium will be sent to our mailing list as the dates approach. Here you can subscribe to our email list: .

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or ideas about possible topics and speakers.

If you missed the event, you can still watch Prof. Dr. Lena Frischlich’s presentation here:

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Learn more in YouTube’s privacy policy.

Events News

21.07.2023 „Dear Future Children“ Open Air Film Screening and Discussion

Another shout-out to all the film lovers out there: you are invited to a free open-air screening of the award-winning documentary “Dear Future Children” on July 21st at 21:15. The screening will take place at the garden of Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München at Bernd-Eichinger-Platz 1, München.

For the first time the Public Health Filmfestival (, supported by the MSCL, will be joining forces with Munich’s other film festivals during the Popup Sommerkino powered by M-net ( Each evening another film festival team will be curating a free open-air screening of a film of their choice, allowing you to experience a great spectrum of films over the course of two weeks.

The film “Dear Future Children” is about young activism. It follows three female activists on the protests in Hong Kong against the Beijing-influenced administration under Carrie Lam, the protests in Chile against social inequality in the country, and in Uganda at the local Fridays for Future protests and actions for climate justice.

After the screening, there will be a discussion, hosted by Katharina Wabnitz from the Centre for Planetary Health Policy, about the film and the interrelation of climate, democracy, and equality with our own health. We will look at this topic from the perspectives of scientists and activists.

Do not miss this important film and talk and guarantee your free ticket here: