

14.12.2023 Podcast Episode Flechten – Meister der Extreme – Dr. Thassilo Franke on Radio Wissen.

13.10.2023 LMU Munich Climate School 2023 – Dr. Bernhard Goodwin on Talking Science: How does Science Communicate with the Public about Climate?

12.10.2023 Podcast Episode Neophyten, die eingeschleppten Pflanzen – Dr. Thassilo Franke on Radio Wissen.

27.07.2023 Podcast Episode Was macht Moore so wertvoll? – Dr. Thassilo Franke on Radio Wissen.

06.07.2023 “Colloquium Fundamentale” of the Center for Applied Cultural Studies (ZAK) in Karlsruhe – Dr. Jana Egelhofer on Fake News and Truth in Political Discourse.

30.05.2023 “Authentic Voices in Science Communication” Post-Conference at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the ICA in Toronto – Dr. Jana Egelhofer on Effects of Bullying Against Scientists.

30.05.2023 “Authentic Voices in Science Communication” Post-Conference at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the ICA in Toronto – Dr. Jana Egelhofer presentation on What is Anti-Science Communication?

28.05.2023 ICA International Communication Association in Toronto – Dr. Jana Egelhofer presentation on Automated Analysis of (un)Certainty in Science Communication.

26.05.2023 ICA International Communication Association in Toronto – Dr. Jana Egelhofer presentation on Attacks of Politics on Science Communication.

16.06.2023 Communicating Wicked Problems in Museums in Malta ECSITE, Panel – Dr. Fabienne Will on Museums Evolution: From a Researcher’s Perspective.

12.06.2023 WWU Münster Topical Program “Knowledge Communication and Knowledge Transfer in Digital Media Environments” (virtual) – Dr. Julia Serong lecture on Climate, Environment and Health: Science Communication in the Multiple Crisis

01.06.2023 University of Bayreuth Master Seminar “Scientific Writing on Planetary Health” (virtual) – Dr. Julia Serong lecture on Scientific Writing on Planetary Health

04.05.2023 Podcast Episode Kleine Wesen – große Wanderer – Dr. Thassilo Franke on Radio Wissen.

08.03.2023 University of Gothenburg (virtual) – Dr. Jana Egelhofer presentation on Populist Attitudes and Accusations of Disinformation: Effects on the Perception of Media and Politicians.

02.03.2023 Long Night of Deferred Term Papers – Dr. Bernhard Goodwin on Science Communication, Comprehensibility & Understanding .

09.02.2023 International University of Venice: Workshop Communicating the Environment: The Challenge of Quality in Venice – Dr. Julia Serong presentation on Communicating Planetary Health: Wicked Problems in Science Communication.

27.01.2023 TUM Think Tank in Munich – Dr. Bernhard Goodwin lecture on Science Communication in the Context of Risk and Crisis: How Can Societies Deal with “Wicked Problems”?

01.02.2023 – 28.02.2023 Intervention on Global Warming with the Climate Simulation En-ROADS, cooperation with FH Kufstein, at the Deutsches Museum – Dr. Fabienne Will.

26.01.2023 Episode in the BR2 Podcast Pferde – schon immer eine tragende Rolle – Dr. Thassilo Franke on IQ wissenschaft und Forschung.

12.12.2022 IKMZ Speaker Series in Zürich – Dr. Julia Serong presentation on Communicating Planetary Health: Wicked Problems in Science Communication.

22.11.2022 Colloquium Interdisciplinary Studies of Science (I²SOS) in Bielefeld – Dr. Fabienne Will presentation on Evidential Practices at the Intersection of Disciplines: The Debate on the Anthropocene.

15.11.2022 Episode in the BR2 Podcast Überwintern in der Natur – Dr. Thassilo Franke on IQ wissenschaft und Forschung

04.11.2022 Quadriga Forum, Leopoldina Symposium in Berlin – Prof. Dr. Helmuth Trischler on Public Communication in Science and Jurisprudence – An Introduction.

19.10.2022 – 22.10.2022 ECREA 9th European Communication Conference in Aarhus – Dr. Julia Serong presentation on Communicating Planetary Health. Expert views on the Interplay of Strategic Science Communication and Science Journalism with Regard to the Global Climate Crisis.

19.10.2022 – 22.10.2022 ECREA 9th European Communication Conference in Aarhus – Clara Löffler, Luca Lang (with guidance from Dr. Julia Serong) presentation on The “Greta” Phenomenon: How Activism Dominates Mental Health Frames in Climate Change News Coverage.

12.10.2022 Episode in the BR2 Podcast Wanzenalarm – Dr. Thassilo Franke on IQ wissenschaft und Forschung.

05.10.2022 – 07.10.2022 Technology Futures in the Anthropocene Workshop in Schönwag – Dr. Fabienne Will on Technology Futures in Educational and Teaching Contexts – Perspectives on Climate and Geoengineering Processes.

22.09.2022 Episode in the BR2 Podcast Alles bunt – herbstlicher Farbwechsel – Dr. Thassilo Franke on IQ wissenschaft und Forschung.

28.07.2022 Episode in the BR2 Podcast Schmetterlinge – ganz schön bedroht – Dr. Thassilo Franke on IQ wissenschaft und Forschung.

12.07.2022 Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Working Group “Persuading Under Uncertainty: Norms and Challenges of Science Communication” at LMU Munich – Dr. Thassilo Franke on Science and Storytelling in Movies.

11.07.2022 Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Working Group “Persuading Under Uncertainty: Norms and Challenges of Science Communication” at LMU Munich – Dr. Julia Serong on Storytelling in Science Communication and Epistemic Reliability.

07.06.2022 Forum of the Heidelberg Graduate School for Humanities and Social Sciences – Dr. Bernhard Goodwin on Communicating Planetary Health. A Case for Transdisciplinary Science Communication.

02.06.2022 Episode in the BR2 Podcast Geniales Gras – Dr. Thassilo Franke on IQ wissenschaft und Forschung.

17.05.2022 Episode in the BR2 Podcast Wilde Bienen – Dr. Thassilo Franke on IQ wissenschaft und Forschung.

30.03.2022 Episode in the BR2 Podcast Tarnen und Täuschen – Dr. Thassilo Franke on IQ wissenschaft und Forschung.

02.02.2022 Scientific Colloquium of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the LMU Munich – Dr. Bernhard Goodwin and Dr. Julia Serong on Communicating Planetary Health – Science Communication in the Field of Tension Between Environment and Health.

02.01.2022 Episode in the BR2 Podcast Alles Natur: Kontroverse Kohle offen für alle – Dr. Thassilo Franke on the IQ Wissenschaft und Forschung.

30.10.2021 OVERHEATED: The Consequences of Climate Change for our Health – Panel discussion with Prof. Dr. Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann, Katja Trippel and Prof. Dr. Harald Lesch.

17.10.2021 Artefacts 2021: Responding to COVID-19 in Munich (virtuell) Prof. Dr. Helmuth Trischler on Wicked Problems in Science Communication / A Munich Response to the COVID-19 Experience.


12.01.2024 Hitze-Workshop: Unser Aubing: Sind wir gegen Hitzestress gewappnet? at Aubing.

27.11.2023 Public Health Filmfestival: Drei Veranstaltungen: Der Rausch, Tomorrow, Eine Einsame Stadt at LMU Munich.

8.10.2023 – Local Conference of Youth (LCOY) Deutschland 2023 – Dr. Bernhard Goodwin on Konstruktive Klimakommunikation gestalten (Designing constructive climate communication).

21.06.2023 – Public Health Filmfestival x Popup Sommerkino Dear Future Children – Open Air Film und Diskussion at HFF München.

01.06.2023 – 03.07.2023 Exhibition: Inflation, the Planet and You at the Deutsches Museum – study on metacognition by Dr. Fabienne Will in collaboration with Dr. Helen Fischer (University of Tübingen).

05.05.2023 Lecture Why don’t we act in the climate crisis? Climate Psychological Phenomena as part of a three-day seminar for teachers from all over Germany on climate change education in schools, organized by Dr. Cecilia Scorza and Prof. Dr. Harald Lesch.

05.07.2023 – 10.08.2023 MSCL Open Call Experiment: Thinking with Fermentation Pop-up Exhibition at the Deutsches Museum – Sevgi Mutlu Sirakova (LMU-RCC), Huiying Ng (LMU-RCC), Teja Šosterič (LMU-RCC), Nakul Heroor (LMU-RCC).

05.05.2023 Hitze-Workshop “Unsere Maxvorstadt: Sind wir gegen Hitzewellen gewappnet?”

03.04.2023 Protect the Planet gGmBH series “Climate – What can I do?” – Dr. Clara Kühner lecture on Why are we not acting in the climate crisis? at
Münchner Zukunfts-salon.

15.03.2023 – 25.09.2023 MSCL Open Call Experiment: Meadow Orchards in Cities – Workshop Series at BIOTOPIA, Munich – Dr. Thassilo Franke (MSCL-BIOTOPIA), Lotta Ortheil (LMU-RCC), Mathias Faller (Geowindow), Mai Abbas (LMU).

24.01.2023 Inntal Gymnasium in Raubling Workshop Climate Day for Teachers – Dr. Clara Kühner.

01.01.2023 (ongoing) Interactive Workshop at Deutsches Museum on “The City in the Anthropocene” with Dr. Fabienne Will.

01.01.2023 -28.02.2023 MSCL Open Call Experiment: Exhibition Planetary Health under the Microscope at the Deutsches Museum – Dr. Tobias Beuchert (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft), Dr. Annika Kreikenbohm (Universität Würzburg), Michaela Lautenschlager.

06.02.2023 -17.02.2023 MSCL Open Call Experiment: Podcast
on the Sustainability of Food in Portugal
aired on national radio station Antena 1 – Dr. Bruno Pinto (MARE/ARNET), Dr. Ana Matias (CIMA/ARNET), and António Granado (ICNOVA).

16.12.2022 Academy for Political Education Tutzing – Dr. Clara Kühner lecture for teachers on “Climate Anxiety in the Classroom: Climate Psychology Phenomena.”

28.10.2022 – 10.11.2022 MSCL Open Call Experiment: Pedagogical City-Walk Tour for School Classes on Planetary Health and Food Culture. City-Walks were conducted in four primary and second school classes in Munich – Dr. Katrin Anne Geneuss (LMU-el mundo), Paulina Schaaf (MSCL), Lea Tanner (LMU-el mundo), Lucas Walzer (LMU-el mundo).

26.10.2022 “Why are we not acting on the climate crisis?”- Dr. Clara Kühner lecture and discussion at the Volkshochschule München.

15.06.2022 MSCL Open Call Experiment Influencing Planetary Health Nutrition – Workshop with seven influencers to create a concept for communicating influencer social media campaigns on topics related to planetary health – Vera Klünder (LMU-IBE), Paula Schwenke (LMU-IBE), Prof. Dr. Eva Rehfuess (LMU-IBE), Carmen Klinger (LMU-IBE), Gisela
Immich (LMU-IBE), Dr. Michaela Coenen (LMU-IBE).

03.12.2021 Presentation of the Munich Science Communication Lab by Dr. Bernhard Goodwin at ARD science editorial offices.


23.06.2023 Staging of “Unitag LMU” Science Communication Research in the Context of “Wicked Problems.”

SoSe 23 IMES University of Cologne Seminar in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (M.A.): Environmental Communication by Dr. Fabienne Will.

17.04.2023; 11.05.2023; 29.06.2023 International Seminar with EUGLOH Center for International Health, LMU Klinikum, Institute for Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine: Science Communication by Dr. Fabienne Will.

WiSe 22/23 LMU Munich Seminar in the Journalism Program (M. A.):
Stakeholders of Scientific Science Communication and their Perceived Benefits by Dr. Bernhard Goodwin.

WiSe 22/23 IMES University of Cologne Seminar in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (M.A.): Science Communication by Dr. Fabienne Will.

23.08.2022 Workshop for PhD students from the faculties of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Medicine and Veterinary Medicine: All-day Workshop on Science Communication by Dr. Thassilo Franke.

08.07.2022 Staging of “Unitag LMU:” Science Communication Research on the Topic of Planetary Health.

WiSe 21/22 LMU Munich Seminar in the Journalism Program (M.A.): Health Journalism by Prof. Dr. Constanze Rossmann.

WiSe 21/22 LMU Munich Seminar for students in the Biology Department and Department for Media and Communication (M.A. & B.A.): Science Communication in Times of Planetary Crisis by Prof. Dr. Michael John Gorman, Dr.Bernhard Goodwin, Dr. Clara Kühner, Dr. Samara Rubinstein.

WiSe 21/22 LMU Munich Research Seminar (B.A.) in the Department of Media and Communication: “Planetary Health” – Framing Climate Change and Health in Science Journalism by Dr. Julia Serong.